အဆင့်မြင့် နိုင်ငံတကာပညာရေး ကို သင်ယူ ပိုင်ဆိုင်ခွင့်ရခြင်းသည် ဘ၀၏ ကြော့ရှင်းလှပသော တန်ဖိုးရှိ ကံကောင်းမှုများစွာထဲက တစ်ခု
International Education သည်
အရေးကြီးသော တန်ဖိုးဖြစ်၏ ....
Everything counts! Every Second Counts !
- The education students pursue, every second students spend for higher international education for life, the work experience students gain, and the skills students develop will be reflected in their résumé and will therefore directly impact their career opportunities.
International Education ဆိုသည်မှာ ....
- International Education is a dynamic concept that involves a journey or movement of students , minds, experiences or ideas across political and cultural frontiers.
- The criteria for an international education might be summarized as “Comprehensive approach to education that intentionally prepares students to be active and engaged participants in an interconnected world.
- International Education is facilitated by the globalization phenomenon, which increasingly erases the constraints of geography on economic, social and cultural arrangements.
- International Education is a human right, a powerful driver of development and one of the strongest instruments for reducing poverty and improving health, gender equality, peace, and stability.
- International Education delivers large, consistent returns in terms of income and is the most important factor to ensure equality of opportunities.
Higher International Education က
မရှိမဖြစ် အရေးပါရသည်လဲ ....
- For ambitious students who are passionate to pursue International world –class education to implement life dreams, rightfully, to contribute effectively in supporting and creating better society and helping community wherever they fly all over the world, it is essential to aware that the education landscape is evolving at a rapid rate with globalization, and International education is compulsorily important to make all happen calmly smartly equitably in this challenging and demanding real world.
- Nevertheless, for go-getter students, highly-qualified International Education is worthwhile and enriching for them to enlighten their higher academic knowledge, skills, qualities, and to accelerate wisdom for life-long learning to be able to build well-founded and decent life careers.
International Education ၏
အဓိက ရည်ရယ်ချက် ပန်းတိုင်များ
လှပသော ကမ္ဘာကြီးကို ဖန်တီးရန်
- Higher International education aims at opening a global dimension and a holistic perspective in education in order to help people and students gain insights of the complex realities and practices n’ processes of today’s rapidly transforming world, to support students cultivating , upraising, developing and cherishing their genuine moral values, clean-living social values, upstanding mindsets, righteous ethical values, noble-minded virtue, good attitudes, positive personality qualities, right knowledge, resourceful skillsets that will enable them to overcome the challenges of an interconnected world, survive and succeed in life adventures.
- Forward-thinking Higher International education vision is to help people and students navigate and uplift their life paths to life-long growth, motivating and inspiring students to appreciate holistic education and to keep up with holistic self-improvement practices in life journey.
Higher International Education
နှင့် အောင်မြင်မှု
Eagle Success Quote :
Don't measure a person's success by how high he or she climbs ....
but by how high he or she bounces ,when he or she hits bottom !
- The real key to success is self-belief, which can open up inner potential.
- Higher International Education raises students on the path of self-discovery, leading to self-belief, adds meaning to life and provides students with the means to achieve lasting success in life, offering right skills and proper knowledge for respective life goals.